How to Set up a Paycheck in Quicken?

Quicken Paycheck Setup wizard allows you to create a single transaction that search the income from your W-2 form, state and federal payroll tax deductions, tax-deferred 401(k) contributions, and the several transfers included in each paycheck. After this one-time setup, the entire information is available for further use in Quicken’s powerful tax reduction and long-term planning tools. You can even import this information into TurboTax. Therefore, setting up Paycheck in Quicken is very essential for the users as it collects all the data at one place. In case you have no idea related to set up process, contact to Quicken Helpline Number as it is helpful way to get knowledge or desired steps of set up.

Set up a Paycheck in Quicken

You will need the latest or current paycheck stub to set up a paycheck so that Quicken can use it. As we know, during the course of the year, your paycheck may change. To be it worked in perfect way, you should set up a paycheck first at any cost and then let Quicken to access it. In a single time, you can transact most of the information.

Methods to Set up a Paycheck in Quicken

Follow the below given instructions one by one and perform the tasks from your hand. The below noted steps are easy to understand. Therefore, stop wandering here and there; just stick your eyes to those mentioned lines:

·        To set up a new paycheck, click the “Planning” tab first and then click the “Tax Center” button if it isn't already open
·        Now, tap on the option “Add Paycheck” and then enter the information Quicken requests
·        To edit all future paychecks of a paycheck that you have already set up, choose “Tools” menu > Manage Bill & Income Reminders
·        And then find the paycheck in the list
·        Now, give a right-click on the paycheck name and choose Edit
·        If you simply want to make a one-time change to a single paycheck instead, you should edit the paycheck in the register
·        After that Quicken displays the Paycheck Setup wizard at the first time when you add a new paycheck to Quicken

Once you complete the above written procedures, your paycheck will surely be set up and then Quicken is ready to access. But in case you encounter any single issue or got stuck at some point while performing these steps, then you are required to place a call at Quicken Customer Care Number and associate with the team of qualified technicians.


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